Are you, your business and your community winter ready?

How ready do you feel for winter? Cumbria County Council gritters are ready, the Met Office have some great advice on their Winte Ready Pages, Electricity North West have their Live Power Cut Information and the Environment Agency are ready to issue Flood Warnings and Alerts.

Over the years Cumbria Resilience Forum partners have provided resources to help households, communities and businesses to plan for the unexpected. This has often lead to Emergency Plans and Business Continuity Plans being developed. A Community Emergency Plan is a tool you can use to help you prepare for the emergencies that could affect your community. It is just one way of planning within your community. You may wish to tailor your approach to better suit the needs of your community.

As part of a Community Conference held in a few years ago a Validation Toolkit was developed. This toolkit is a is a step-by-step guide to help you and your community validate (check, confirm and give confidence in) a Community Emergency Plan. The toolkit takes emergency plans through a process to help find potential improvement and gaps, and most importantly offer an opportunity for the plan to be tried out before a real incident.

Below are drop down links to the toolkit and different scenarios.




What to Know More?


There is further advice available if you are interested in further information on winter weather, flooding or emergency planning.